VBS 2024 Registration RM_StatsParent's First NameParent's Last NameCell Phone NumberChild's First NameChild's Last NameAgeGender Male Female Grade in Fall4 years oldpreschoolKindergarten1st grade2nd grade3rd grade4th grade5th grade6th gradeShirt Size Youth XS Youth S Youth M Youth L Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL Address, City, State, ZipParent's Email AddressPlease list your child's FOOD OR DRUG ALLERGIESDoes your child carry an Epi-pen? Yes No Please list your child's special needs, physical limitations or special dietary concerns:Please list any medications your child is taking along with the dosing instructions:Will your child be bringing these medications (Epi-pen/Benadryl/Inhaler) to VBS?_________ Yes No NA Is there anything else we should know about your child? Note: It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Some elements of this form may require JavaScript to work properly. If you have trouble submitting the form, try enabling JavaScript momentarily and resubmit. JavaScript settings are usually found in Browser Settings or Browser Developer menu.